[elementor-template id="3728"]
[elementor-template id="3731"]


Covington Seeds*

Skin Color: Light rose skin
Flesh Color: Moderately deep orange
Plant Spacing: 9-12 inches
Storage: Stores well for 9 months
Recommended Planting: Matures in 110-120 days
(*North Carolina Patented Variety)

Bonita Seeds*

Skin Color: Light tan with pink tint
Flesh Color: White with a hint of yellow
Plant Spacing: 9-12 inches
Storage: Stores well for 10 months
Recommended Planting: Matures in 100-110 days
(*LSU Patented Variety)

Murasaki Seeds*

Skin Color: Dark Purple Skin
Flesh Color: White flesh
Plant Spacing: 9-12 inches
Storage: Stores well for 10 months
Recommended Planting: Matures in 120-150 days (*LSU Patented Variety)

LSU-1381 Vernilion Seeds*

Skin Color: Bright red
Flesh Color: Deep orange
Plant Spacing: 9-12 inches
Storage: Stores well for 9 months
Recommended Planting: Matures in 108-110 days (*LSU Patented Variety)

LSU-052 Bellevue Seeds*

Skin Color: Light orange
Flesh Color: Light orange
Plant Spacing: 9-12 inches
Storage: Stores well for 10 months
Recommended Planting: Matures in 100-110 days (*LSU Patented Variety)

Diana/D&S Seeds

Skin Color: Dark red
Flesh Color: Deep orange
Plant Spacing: 9-12 inches
Storage: Stores well for 8 months
Recommended Planting: Matures in 120-150 days

LA04-175 Burgundy Seeds*

Skin Color: Deep red
Flesh Color: Reddish orange
Plant Spacing: 9-12 inches
Storage: Stores well for 10 months
Recommended Planting: Matures in 100-110 days (*LSU Patented Variety)

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